Thursday, October 17, 2013

The First Post ;-p

Okay, everyone knows that the first blog is awkward so I am going to go ahead and get it over with, hehe. So I have been in Spain now for a good month and a half and so far I would say it has been awesome. There has been ups, there has been downs, there has been times where I wanted to give up leave, and there have been times where I have begged my parents to live here. Now I am at the point where I am ready to marry a super hot spanish boy and live here FOREVER.

So let me tell my story before who ever of you reads this gets confused, I am a freshman at Florida State University, at FSU they have this cool thing called the FYA program where you get to pay them a whole bunch of money for them to send you to either London, Florence, Panama, or my home sweet home Spain, for the first year of University. Not only do you get to experience these lovely new cultures, but you also get in-state tuition for the next three years of University, which is a pretty sick deal. For future freshman interested, check yes in the portion of your college app. that asks you if you are interested in studying abroad. So after in....went through an FBI background check......passport renewal.....lots of doctors appointments.....and a few months of waiting I finally went to orientation where I met all of the lovely people I would be traveling to Spain with, then after another tedious wait of another three months I hopped on a plane and came here!!!

So the first few weeks were what you would expect for an 18 year old who comes to a new country that has a legal drinking age of 18.... lots of sangria, lots of immature drunk college freshman, lots of clubs, lots of spanish boys, lots of DRAMA. Sorry if any parents read this, but this is good because this is how we established ourselves here, and its apart of the culture that many of you send us here to embrace. It's not a bad thing because there will always be a goodie goodie like me to make sure that problems are minimal. My dad actually was with me for the first week and a half, and actually joined in and bought me and my friends a round of Agua de Valencia. So more about my experience so far.... those first few weeks for me was very liberating, I finally got to try all of the stuff I was seeing on TV. I went to a few clubs, met a spanish a boy....starting dating that spanish boy.......dumped that spanish guy......went to the back together with the spanish boy.......went to Barcelona.......dumped the spanish boy again........made friends with awesome students from Universitat de Valencia.....and occasionally went to class. So yeah life here is pretty simple when you subtract the drama that occurs in a study center with 80 students. Don't worry it's a lot like high school, if you made it through that you should be okay. Sorry for the briefness, but its really hard to sum up these past few weeks in one blog, so I have decided to write one blog every week about my spanish drama, my trips around the world, and my awesome new experiences in Spain!

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